Assessments to support planning applications.
Permit applications, variations and enforcement notices.
Air quality for the public sector.
We are proven expert witnesses in air quality matters.
We monitor air quality and dust, over short-term and long-term.
We are experts in air quality dispersion modelling.
About us
Air Pollution Services (APS), part of Kalaco, is an independent environmental consultancy, specialising in air quality. We have a proven track record of providing unique solutions to support clients with complex projects and lead the way professionally, maximising technical knowledge with efficiencies to ensure clients timescales are achieved.
Our growing team of experts has over 80 years of experience in environmental consultancy and collaboratively we draw knowledge and expertise from a range of backgrounds to enable us to deliver services of any scale and for a wide range of industries.
APS has substantial experience providing services to the private sector including the following: residential, commercial, industrial, power-generating, waste, agricultural and transport developments. The team also has extensive experience in providing services to the public sector, including support for local authorities, local to national scale emission inventories and development of guidance and policy, including for the Environment Agency and JNCC.


We provide assessments to support planning applications. These include: residential developments, manufacturing and industrial, automotive industry, aviation, defence, commercial premises, breweries, landfill, anaerobic digestion, waste handling and processing, and composting,
We provide assessments to support environmental permitting. These include: permit applications, permit variations, medium combustion plant (MCP), specified generators (SG), data centres, large combustion plant (LCP), energy from waste, and hydrogen generation.

Public Sector Support
We provide support to local authorities and Government bodies. This includes: technical review services (e.g. EIA reviews), LAQM duties - annual status reports (ASRs), Air Quality Action Plans (AQAP), air quality guidance development, local/national policy development, and advice on air quality modelling.
Expert Witness
Our team has acted as expert witnesses for a range of cases. This includes planning appeals, hearings and inquiries. We also support litigation as experts in air quality, dust and odour.

Our team carries out monitoring of air quality for a wide range of pollutants (including nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, PM10 and PM2.5), and using a range of techniques such as passive diffusion tube samplers, reference standard analysers, low-cost sensors (LCS), drones/UAVs and satellite data.

We provide assessments to support planning applications. These include: residential developments, manufacturing and industrial, automotive industry, aviation, defence, commercial premises, breweries, landfill, anaerobic digestion, waste handling and processing, and composting,

We provide assessments to support environmental permitting. These include: permit applications, permit variations, medium combustion plant (MCP), specified generators (SG), data centres, large combustion plant (LCP), energy from waste, and hydrogen generation.

Public Sector Support
We provide support to local authorities and Government bodies. This includes: technical review services (e.g. EIA reviews), LAQM duties - annual status reports (ASRs), Air Quality Action Plans (AQAP), air quality guidance development, local/national policy development, and advice on air quality modelling.

Expert Witness
Our team has acted as expert witnesses for a range of cases. This includes planning appeals, hearings and inquiries. We also support litigation as experts in air quality, dust and odour.

Our team carries out monitoring of air quality for a wide range of pollutants (including nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, PM10 and PM2.5), and using a range of techniques such as passive diffusion tube samplers, reference standard analysers, low-cost sensors (LCS), drones/UAVs and satellite data.
AQ Baseline / Feasibility Assessments
Air Quality Impact Assessments
Air Quality Neutral (AQN)
Air Quality Positive (AQP)
Construction Dust Risk Assessments (CDRA)
Site Suitability Assessments
Air Emission Risk Assessments (AERA)
PM2.5 Target Compliance Assessments
Annual Status Reports (ASR)
Air Quality Action Plans (AQAP)
Dust Management Plans (DMP)
Local Air Qualiity Management (LAQM)
Odour Assessments
Odour Management Plans (OMP)
Mitigation and Design for AQ

Our team routinely use the dispersion models ADMS-6 and ADMS-Urban/Roads. Our team also use the USEPA's AERMOD dispersion model which is an alternative to ADMS.
We use Calpuff which is an advanced non-steady-state meteorological and air quality modelling system. Calpuff is a useful tool where terrain or other factors mean the trajectory of the plume will change as it travels.

Atmospheric Chemical Transport Models (ACTM)
Our team have experience in the use and development of a number of ACTMs. This includes EMEP/MSC-W (also known as EMEP4UK), CMAQ, LOTOS-EUROS.
NWP and OBS Meteorological Data
Our team process and produce meteorological data for future climate predictions and current conditions.

Meteorological Data
NWP and OBS Meteorological Data
Do you need met data for your dispersion modelling?
We've moved the data to a new website. Please check here to see more: Enviro Data Services
Data is available in a range of formats including ADMS and AERMOD format.
Modelling capability

Our team routinely use the dispersion models ADMS-6 and ADMS-Urban/Roads. Our team also use the USEPA's AERMOD dispersion model which is an alternative to ADMS.
We use Calpuff which is an advanced non-steady-state meteorological and air quality modelling system. Calpuff is a useful tool where terrain or other factors mean the trajectory of the plume will change as it travels.

Atmospheric Chemical Transport Models (ACTM)
Our team have experience in the use and development of a number of ACTMs. This includes EMEP/MSC-W (also known as EMEP4UK), CMAQ, LOTOS-EUROS.

NWP and OBS Meteorological Data
Our team process and produce meteorological data for future climate predictions and current conditions.

Sherlock Street
The team undertook the air quality and odour assessment for a large residential-led mixed-use scheme, covering construction and operational impacts. Input to the emerging scheme design was provided throughout the process.

Isle of Dogs, London
The team undertook the air quality assessment and helped Galliard Homes successfully obtain a MCPD and Specified Generator Environmental Permit for the energy centre of a large tower block in central London.

Guinness Brewery, London
Our team completed the air quality, odour and climate change assessments to support the application for a new Guinness brewery near Covent Garden, London.

105 Victoria Street
Westminster, London
The team were the air quality experts for the planning application to demolish the existing building, extend the existing basement and erect a building of ground, mezzanine, plus up to fourteen-storeys comprising commercial and leisure use.

Broadwater Gardens
Welwyn Garden City
The team prepared the Air Quality ES Chapter for a high-quality development of 289 apartments across several blocks of 4 and 9 storeys in height. Support was provided for both the construction and operational phases, taking into account road, rail and combustion plant related emissions and cumulative effects.

Croydon University Hospital
The team prepared the air quality assessment and helped the NHS Trust to obtain an Environmental Permit for two CHP Plant, which form Medium Combustion Plant (MCP) and Specified Generators (SGs). A detailed assessment was undertaken taking account of the existing boiler, generator and incinerator plant.

The team carried out a quantitative assessment of pollutant emissions released to the atmosphere from a proposed saltcake processing plant in Grevenbroich, Germany. This included assessment of nitrogen oxides, dust and ammonia emissions from cooler, crusher and recovery process stacks upon Germany's land use zoning system.

UK APAS (AERIUS) – Dispersion Model Review & Recommendation
Joint Nature Conservation Committee
The team carried out the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) – UK APAS (AERIUS) – Dispersion Model Review & Recommendation.

Hanwell Chase Phase 3
The team carried out the air quality assessment for Phase 3 of the large urban extension in the traditional market town of Banbury. The assessment was completed efficiently utilising information available from the prior phases and nearby schemes.

Barrack Street,
The team undertook the air quality assessment for the erection of a new secondary school building at the former Vauxhall Gardens Education Centre at Barrack Street in Birmingham. The assessment was calibrated against onsite monitoring and detailed consideration was given to the high sensitivity of children's exposure and Birmingham's CAZ.

NH3 CSF monitoring framework
Environment Agency
The team undertook a research project commissioned by the EA looking at development of an ammonia monitoring network for catchment sensitive farming (CSF) interventions.

Gatwick Airport
DCO Hearing
The experts provided evidence during recent hearings for the Gatwick North Runway development.
Tata Steel
Our experts were commissioned to provide evidence in the case Pugh & Others -v- Tata Steel UK Limited.

London City Airport
Local Authority Experts
Our experts carried out the review of the air quality and climate change assessments on behalf of Newham Council, which culminated in a recommendation for refusal.

Urban CHP plant
Environment Agency
The team undertook a research project commissioned by the EA looking at the impact of CHP plant in urban areas.
Our team

Kieran Laxen
Director & Founder

Dr Claire Holman

Paul Outen
Associate Director

George Bratchel
Senior Consultant

Thomas Wescott

Elen Jones

Ellie Tsiarapa

Liana Malynczakova
Contact us
Chapel House
Barton Manor
0117 9112423
Kalaco (Kalaco Group Limited) has a number of brands offering a range of environmental services. These include air quality (outdoor and indoor AQ), climate change, odour, dust, meteorological services. Click the links below to find out more.